Write For US

Please note that articles that involve guest posting with the purpose of link exchanges/posting etc. will not be considered. This is an educational website and the purpose is to spread knowledge and not to get involved in link baits. In addition to this, all links included in guest blog posts will be valid for two years from the date of publication. We reserve the right to remove the link without notice. If you have any questions about our link policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

BeingOptimist loves unique, original, and useful Tech, “How-To” and Reviews articles that add value to our readers. If you think that you have a passion and talent to write unique and mind-blowing content then you belong to BeingOptimist.

Topics We Cover

Generally, we accept articles in the “How-To” formats and the topics we cover:

  • Social Media
  • WordPress plugins & Development
  • Technology
  • Web Hosting Reviews
  • Digital Marketing
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • Gmail
  • Excel Tutorial
  • Email Marketing
  • SEM and PPC
  • Google Analytics

Note: All the articles should be in the “How To” format except the “Reviews” article on web hosting.

Guest Posting Terms & Conditions

Checklist before sending articles to our editor.

  • We accept only original, unique & unpublished content. Do not send copied or already published articles. Doing so may lead to serious legal consequences. If you have already published your content on other website(s) and/or your own blog(s), ensure that you delete your content from those website(s)/blog(s) before submitting it to us.
  • Content must have no plagiarism, or spelling mistake, and must have zero grammatical errors.
  • Articles submitted here should not be published anywhere else and vice versa.
  • Do remember this site is educational so sales and marketing blogs will not be entertained.
  • If you have included an image, a quote, or a reference from a third-party website, don’t forget to credit the source.
  • The preferable featured image dimension should be (1200 by 675) pixels and the image size should not exceed more than 30kb.
  • Remember that the acceptable length of the story is 1000-1500 words.
  • An author bio is mandatory for publishing articles on Beingoptimist. Include your bio along with the article.
  • We have the right to delete promotional links in your article. You can link relevant informative articles though. Your service pages can be linked in your bio.
  • The article should have a proper format with heading and subheading tags.
  • We are authorized to remove the sponsored article if we find that it violates Google AdSense terms & conditions.
  • If we find the link suspicious then we are authorized to delete it ASAP without sending any notice.
  • Only 1 link per post is allowed. The link should be natural; it should not be in the heading or author bio.
  • Links will be permanent for 2 years after that if we find that the link is of no use then we will remove the link.

Sponsored Guest Post

If you are looking for quick publishing, Beingoptimist has a “Sponsored Guest Post” opportunity. Unlike the regular guest article, a sponsored article gets published within 1-2 business days. However, it must still meet our guest post guidelines, and it would need approval from our editors.

We are eager to work with innovative people who can add value to our readers. If you are interested in writing for us drop us an email at info@beingoptimist.com or you can contact us through our Contact Us page.

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