Testing your website on different platforms is very important for the company. No one will want to use a site that takes hours to load. Besides, users don’t like a site that just works on one browser. People have their personal choices when it comes to using their browsers. They want the websites to run on every platform they want to use. The best way to ensure this is toย automate browser testingย methods. In this, you can recheck if the website is running properly everywhere. It also helps you to improve the standard of customer experience. To know more about this topic read the following:

How does automate website testing work?: Employees don’t like to work in an environment where everything is repetitive. They want a place where nothing is tedious. This is the basic framework of automated website testing. Here you don’t have to look at so many files at once to test them. You can interact with web elements multiple times without any issue. With these, it becomes much easier to make your website effective and smooth. Users won’t complain all the time that your site is not working. You can reduce your cost expenses with the help of the testing scripts. It also allows people to boost their marketing efforts over time. Here are some simple steps that are involved in the testing of a website:

  • Make your web driver: At first, you have to use the platform for creating a driver. You can do this to set the framework of how you want to test the websites. With this, you can call the other functions in the programs and initiate them. 
  • Finding the web page: Next you need to navigate to the pages which you want to test. These are done through the programming commands that you have to write. Although you write this command once, the testing tool initiates it multiple times. This is how you can fix multiple pages at once without any stops. There is no need to write the code again and again as it will detect itself. For this, you just need to target the method that your interface is using. 
  • Target the elements of the specific web page: It is important to set the elements that you want to target. A single page consists of multiple parts that you have to fix. These you can do with simple HTML commands that you use while testing. It will help you to take a screen test of everything present on the website. Even if you miss one part it will cause the entire site to crash. Certain tools allow you to target the locations on your page. These may be the name, path, or other regions of your page. Next, you need to interact with these elements with certain commands. If you want to change any part you can mention it in the code as well. You can click on buttons as well to see if it’s functioning well. In the end, take a quick look and clear any field you want to. 
  • End the test: Lastly, it is important to ensure that the servers will respond well. If the servers don’t respond to the actions that you perform, there are no points. Check these features by clicking on each action you have changed. If the server is becoming too slow, fix the code again. In the end, you have to call a quit method. This automatically terminates the program and finishes the task. With this, you can ensure that people can run the site on every device they possess. 

Conclusion: Thus you can automate browser testing methods by following these above steps. 

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