How to Hide Phone Number in Facebook: A complete guide

how to hide phone number in facebook

Are you Wondering how to hide phone number in Facebook I am here to tell you the steps :

If you are concerned about your privacy you should surely hide your phone number on Facebook otherwise people in your friend list can contact you via your phone number.

If your number is available in your Facebook account you can get many spam calls and that’s a very huge problem. If your friend list consists of your real-life friends then you can trust them but if you have added random people to your Facebook you are in need to hide your phone number.

I will give you a suggestion to add friends with who you are familiar in real life. Otherwise, you will get many spam calls and your number will be distributed among companies and many spam callers.

Why is it important to hide your cell phone number on Facebook?

If you don’t want your friends to contact you through your phone number or if you want to be free from spam calls then you should positively hide your cell phone number. If you do so your phone number is secure and no one can have access to your phone number.

So here is the guide for how to hide your phone number on Facebook on a computer as well as on a mobile phone.

In this growing digital environment, the privacy of users is at high risk so features like these provide essential tools to safeguard their privacy.

Hide Your Phone Number on Facebook via Computer 

If you are using Facebook on your computer then the following are the steps that will lead you to hide your phone number in Facebook :

Step 1: Open your browser(Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, or internet explorer) then click on the address bar and type

Step 2: Log in to your Facebook account and then click on your profile name at the top left corner. This will redirect you to your profile page.

Step 3: Below your profile name, you would see a list a menu with the following option, such as “Posts“, “About“, “Friends“, “Photos“, “Story Archive“, and “Videos“, or “More”. Click on “About” from the menu.

Step 4: After that go to “contact and basic info“.

Step 5: After clicking, “contact and basic info“, on the right panel just below the Contact info” section you can see your contact number and email id. So, Now to hide your phone number, click the friend icon on the right.

In your phone number section click on the friend icon.

Step 6: Now select “only me” and hit the “Done” button.

Thus, it will hide your mobile number and henceforth only you will be able to see it.

How to Hide Phone Number in Facebook Through your Android Mobile Phone

If you are using Facebook on your mobile then you can hide your number by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Open the “Facebook app” on your mobile phone.

Step 2: Then click on your profile ( avatar).

Step 3: Then in your profile, scroll down and tap on “See your about info“.

Step 4: Scroll down and go to the “Contact info” section.

Step 5: Then tap “edit” in contact info.

Step 6: Now under the “current phone numbers“, you can see your contact number. To make it hidden from the public eyes, tap the locker icon on the right.

Step 7: After tapping the icon you will get an option to select such as “Public“, “Friends“, and “Only me.”

Step 8 : Now select “only me” to make your phone number invisible from the public eye. hide your.

How to Hide Phone Number in Facebook Through your iPhone

If you are using Facebook on your iPhone and if you want to know about how to hide your number there follow the given below steps:

Step 1: Open the “Facebook app” on your mobile phone.

Step 2: Go to your “Profile” (Avatar).

Step 3: Tap the “Edit profile” button.

Step 4: Now hit the button “Edit Your About Info“.

Step 5: Scroll down to “Contact info” and then tap the “Edit” button.

Step 6: Finally, under the “Current Phone Numbers” and just on the right side of the number, tap the button and then click the “More options” to select “Only me” and thus, at last tap on the “Save” button to save it.


I hope you have understood the process of how to hide phone number on Facebook. So, If you follow the given above steps then you’ll be able to hide your phone number using your computer and mobile phone.

The main purpose of this feature is to hide sensitive data from online stalkers and hackers. In recent years Facebook’s new initiative ensures protection of its users like you from fraud so that you can be socially free.

So if you find this article useful, share it with your family and friends on your social platform and let them learn how to hide phone number in Facebook.

To know more about this topic you can visit the Facebook Help Community.


  1. How to hide phone number in Facebook using an iPhone

    Follow the following path to hide phone number in Facebook in iPhone. Go to FB App > Profile > Edit public details > Edit Your About Info > Contact Info >
    These are the path you would need to follow on your iPhone to hide your contact information from public.

  2. How can I hide my phone number on Facebook?

    You can hide phone number on Facebook using any of the method described above. Settings may vary a little bit on all the devices but the pattern are same for Android, iPhone, or Computer.

  3. Can other people see my phone number on Facebook?

    It’s depend on the type of setting you have chosen. If you have selected “Only me“, as an option then only you will see your phone number and it will be hidden from the rest.

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2 thoughts on “How to Hide Phone Number in Facebook: A complete guide”

  1. very useful, do cover about how we can protect our facebook account and its data from hackers. what are the important things we should keep in mind to keep it secure. that will be helpful.

    Thank you.

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