8 Reasons Why Audio To Text Transcription Could Be So Beneficial For Businesses

Audio To Text Transcription

Doing business is always fun, and bringing in profits requires commitment from both sides. Nevertheless, it does come along with many organization and responsibility skills. So that you donโ€™t fail and keep everything running smoothly, you want to ensure youโ€™re paying close attention to your activities, including the transcriptions of your business. 

Additionally, transcription services are an excellent way of creating stable connections with your clients. However, transcription services are quite under-rated, and many do actually believe that itโ€™s a time-consuming activity, but that isnโ€™t true at all. 

Well, donโ€™t go anywhere because, in this article, we will discuss the eight reasons why you should consider using audio to text transcription services.ย 

8 reasons you should use audio to text transcription for your business

1)Excellent choice for SEO

Every business owner wants their content to be on top of the search results. Search engines like Google are excellent in identifying what is on the web as they firmly focus on quality and relevance. When you transcribe an audio file to text, you allow search engines to scroll through the content theyโ€™re looking for.ย 

Furthermore, what is excellent about transcribing an audio file is that it is discoverable when converted to text. This is because the audio itself might not be found by search engine result pages (SERPs).

2)Higher involvement of participants

Business meetings will usually bring out important information regarding activities, present and future. These types of meetings require a high level of focus from participants that attend the meeting. Simultaneously, when discussing many things, itโ€™s an excellent idea to take notes and avoid distracting colleagues. 

However, the best alternative is to transcribe and record the meeting to solve the issue, increase efficiency, and lower costs at the highest level possible.ย 

3)It makes your business proactive

Every business wants to remain proactive in what they do, and when comes to transcribing, itโ€™s another form of holding evidence. Thus, this includes having a record of all conversations that are spoken. 

There may be many cases where youโ€™ll need to use transcription as a method of evidence. For example, you need it if you face any disagreements with clients or other issues. However, even if you remember many things, it doesnโ€™t mean that youโ€™ll pay attention to every small detail that happens. It’s impossible to remember everything, whether this includes a previous conversation you had with your colleagues or something else. 

Transcribing services allow you to be more proactive while running a business and achieve more. After all, if you provide your employees with tools to get more work done, how good can it get? 

In business, whatever gives you an extra hand is always good, and thatโ€™s precisely what AI has been doing and continues doing to do so; helping employees get more work done and increasing the operational efficiency of companies. 

However, letโ€™s not forget that AI has a much lower error margin for repetitive tasks than a human being. According to statistics, the margin for error in AI is around 3%, and 5% in human beings. 

Thereโ€™s a growing interest in transcription services, and as businesses continue to adapt to modern-day living, they can help you accomplish more and allow your organization to be consistent in its high performance.ย 

4)Allows you to bring your content to a broader audience

Why reach only one audience when you are allowed to reach a much larger audience? Even though audio content can be great, it has its limitations. You canโ€™t include any infographics, charts, or illustrations within your content. The bad news is that all of these elements make content more attractive and helpful for readers. 

For instance, according to a study, more than 400 million people worldwide have hearing issues. Thatโ€™s 5% of the worldโ€™s entire population! So if your audio isnโ€™t transcribed to text, these people wonโ€™t be able to hear anything,, and thatโ€™s a massive loss for you right there. 

Moreover, according to another study, 92% of mobile users watch their videos without sound! So, considering these statistics, you can now see how important it is to pay close attention to transcribing your audio to text.ย 

5)Enhanced collaboration & future references

After a meeting, itโ€™s common for people to forget about what they have been discussing during the meeting. Keeping audio converted to text allows both participants and stakeholders to hold references for both sides and can be used to avoid any potential conflicts. Comparatively, this allows both parties to avoid any conflict vs. not having any future references. 

Moreover, nobody wants to get manipulated during the meeting,, and it isnโ€™t fair for anyone to force their way of thinking as the only way. Transcribing and recording meetings allows you to have a solid reference for future manipulators at all times.ย 

6)Diversifies how you deliver informationย 

With the rapid evolution of technology, delivering and receiving the information has significantly changed. Since everything has moved online, information is right at our door. In short, the advancement of technologies has changed the way we live and how we do business.ย 

Even though images and videos are a prevalent form of media, audio doesnโ€™t receive the same response from audiences. In addition, while listening to an audio, it may be stressful to ensure that you remembered all the information that was discussed during the meeting and any type of hand-written info requires you to read through it carefully. However, with transcribing services, this information can easily be transformed into a digital format and becomes easier to process. 

Itโ€™s also a form of content that makes it easier to share across various online platforms, such as your social media channels and website. If anything happens, you still have a backup version, so you never have to worry about losing your information. Backing up your data is always a smart move, especially because data breaches are pretty standard.ย 

In fact, according to CNET, the number of data breaches has risen by 14% from last year, according to the latest statistics as of April 2022.

7)Easy to distribute

Comparatively, audio content distribution channels have a limitation, unlike text which can easily be distributed. For instance, with audio content, you are limited to recording your audio, making it downloadable, or even publishing it as a podcast. Moreover, audio files are heavier in bandwidth consumption in comparison to text content. 

Transcribing audio to text allows you to efficiently distribute your text content across multiple channels and can be distributed in the following ways: 

  • E-booksย 
  • Books
  • Manuals
  • Print mediaย 
  • Emails and moreย 

8)Improved accuracy

With transcription services, youโ€™ll notice that your documentation will be much more accurate. After all, the written content is much easier to understand than oral communication. As a result, your customers wonโ€™t find it very challenging to know when they see it on your page. 

Moreover, for the success of your business, accuracy is above all. Most importantly, you need to ensure that private data is transcribed correctly in a time-sensitive manner. You canโ€™t risk losing anything when it comes to data or any sort of misunderstanding. 

Everything is about providing the best experience for your customers, and sometimes, this is the most challenging part of the business. In fact, according to statistics, 43% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience, so transcribing services is a worthy investment.ย 

Above all, accuracy is staying consistent with your consumers should be your top priority. You should seek to provide value and keep it consistent at all times. Thatโ€™s what will make you great in the long term and have customers coming back to you.ย 

Wrapping it upย 

Well, thatโ€™s all for this article. These were our eight reasons why audio to text transcription is a beneficial choice for your business and why you should consider using it. Audio content services are interesting but due to their limitations, they donโ€™t allow you to easily distribute content across channels, and especially with the high number of people who suffer from hearing loss that we mentioned earlier, it limits you to reach a broader audience.ย 

Whenever you personalize the user experience and stay consistent with your services, customers will be coming back to you. We saw that statistics showed us how customers are willing to pay more only to get a better experience, so transcribing services are definitely an investment that is worth it. 

Treating all consumers equally is above all and with transcription services, you are allowing anyone to view videos no matter if they have any hearing issues or not. 

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