How Can I Change Voice On Google Maps? Read This Article To Know More

change voice on google maps

There always has been something artificial or robotic about the voice that speaks while you are using google maps. Isn’t it? But did you know that you can change voice on google maps? Not just the language can be changed, but even how the bot speaks can be changed too, to a different setting. 

This article will tell you how you can change voice on google maps in some steps.  

Is the voice on google map a bot?

To go more basic here, google maps is one of the most useful tools for everyday life. It offers hands-free directions, and also gives travel alerts to users. If you ask for directions to a certain location, a voice keeps on giving directions. This voice of google maps can be changed in a simple way. 

If you are wondering what you can change your voice to, read this. 

In case you want the voice in a different language, you can change it. You can also change the tone of the voice. Like you can make it softer or louder. But you can’t switch the gender of the voice. Currently, google maps have a voice of a female and that can not be changed to a male voice. So this is the only limitation you will find while changing google maps voice.

Learn how to change voice on google maps on Android 

Since google maps use a female voice to generate spoken directions to the user, the gender can not be changed. No such features have been updated. But what you can change is given here below:

STEP 1: Open google maps on your android phone.

STEP 2:Once you are on the main window, at the top of the page, you can find a “search bar“. On the right side of the search bar, click on the circle. That is your google account (Pointed by red arrow).

STEP 3: This will open the menu of google maps. From the menu, scroll down and select the “Settings” option.

STEP 4: Once the Settings menu opens, scroll and then find the “Navigation Settings“. Click on it. 

STEP 5: Then, select the “Voice Selection” option. This will show you a list of options available. You can select the language you want the voice to speak like English US or English UK or some other language like Hindi or Bengali. This basically is the doorway to make the voice speak in different languages and accents. 

STEP 6: You can also go to the “Guidance Volume” and select options like SOFTER or NORMAL or LOUDER. You can also adjust the rest of the settings to your will. 

Learn how to change voice on google maps on iPhone

The settings on iPhone are different. If you have already read the previous section, you would come to know that Android uses its voice engine. But iPhone does not use its own voice engine for Google maps. It is dependent on the default text-to-speech and the language settings that are being offered by iOS. 

So when you are thinking of changing the voice of Google maps on the iPhone, you will have to change the iPhone Settings language. This will, as a result, change the language of your entire device. And here is how you can change your language settings on your iPhone:

  1. STEP 1: On your iPhone, open Settings
  2. STEP 2: Then, click on the General option. 
  3. STEP 3: After that, select the Language & Region. This will give you access to your device’s language settings. 
  4. STEP 4: In order to switch to a different voice, click on the Language that is being listed on your device. 
  5. STEP 5: Now, you can select a new language from the list that opens.
  6. STEP 6: After selection, tap on the Done button. 
  7. STEP 7: A prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen asking you to confirm the change after that. Click on Change To. This will instantly update the language of the entire device. So when google maps, give you directions, it will give directions in the new language.


Android uses its own voice engine while iPhone does not use that. So, when you try to change voice on google maps on your iPhone, you will have to change the language of the entire device altogether. And it can be quite a problem here.

There are possibilities that you only understand a language and can not read it. So when the previous language gets changed, you face difficulties.

In that case, you can use Apple maps. It a software just like google maps and language can be changed there without changing the language of the entire device. 

To sum up, the whole thing, if you use an Android, you can use google maps and change voices separately without changing the language of the entire device while if you are an iPhone user, you will have to change the language of the entire device in order to change voice on google maps. 

We hope that the blog that we published today has helped you understand how to change your voice on google maps. Subscribe to our newsletter for more helpful blogs like this one. 


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